This committee tries to carry the AA message and provides information about the Fellowship to the public.

Current Activities Include:

Distributing Public Service Announcements and Radio Spots to local stations

Manning tables and booths at local health fairs

Distributing Young People’s Videos and literature to schools and libraries

Giving presentations and delivering informational meetings to Drug Courts and their clients

Working to keep the fellowship informed about speaking to non-AAs and our anonymity practices

PI Resources

A.A. Guidelines for Public Information

M-27I - Public Information Workbook
This service material is intended as a guide for A.A. members involved in Public Information work.

Radio PSAs

Television PSAs

AA as a resource for Drug and Alcohol Court Professionals

PI Workshop Outline and Questions

Drug Court Presentation

Groups can adopt a PI project!

Your group can participate in delivering information in your area. Contact the Area 38 PI Committee for more information.

To get involved contact:

Kandy D

Public Information Committee Chair