The Bridging the Gap (B.T.G.) Committee works to help alcoholics coming out of alcoholic treatment centers or correctional facilities to make the transition from there into the A.A. program. Use the online B.T.G. Request Form button below to initiate help for an alcoholic transitioning from a facility.
Need more information submission cards? Download them here.
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Download and make available Bridging the Gap Committee materials. The documents below are in PDF format and may be viewed, saved and printed using the free Adobe Reader.
Suggested Guidelines for B.T.G. Temporary Contact (“Bridge”) Program Volunteers – PDF
History of the Committee (excerpted from Winter 2005 Gratitude Gazette article by Mike B):
Bridging the Gap started as a temporary contact program initiated in the Eastern Area in the early 1980’s. The program was originally coordinated through the Treatment Committee.
Over time, as treatment facilities started to close at a rapid rate, the need for the work performed by the Treatment Committee extended into other areas besides the traditional alcoholic treatment center. The Treatment Committee was being stretched in many different directions and finally found it necessary to reassess its scope as it ventured into other areas such as nursing homes, mental health institutions, and half-way houses. As the number of participating facilities increased, it became necessary for the Treatment Committee to look at the situation and establish a better way to organize itself to ensure optimum performance.
At about the same time, presentations were being given to Missouri State Corrections and parole boards by the A.A. Corrections Committee and Public Communications Committee chairs, Ben C and Dave B. They were told that a large number of inmates would be released soon. Bridge The Gap was mentioned as a way to help the released offenders get to A.A.
Considering both of these developments, in early 2002, it was determined that this might be the right time for Bridge the Gap to become its own standing committee at the area level with its sole focus on trying to reach the alcoholic being released from a rehabilitation facility.
In order for Bridge The Gap to become its own Standing Committee, the area procedures manual had to be changed. It was necessary for a motion to be approved by an ad hoc committee, the Area Structures, and Procedures Committee, and submitted to the Assembly. This was completed in the spring of 2004. At the 2004 summer assembly, after a period of discussion, a written ballot was taken and the motion gained the two-third majority vote need to establish Bridge the Gap as a Standing Committee at the area level.
This is a great opportunity for A.A. to extend its hand to the still suffering alcoholic.
To get involved contact:
Aditya E
B.T.G. Committee Chair