This committee seeks to create mutual understanding and non-affiliated cooperation between the fellowship of AA and those professional groups and individuals concerned with alcoholism and the alcoholic.

Current Activities Include: 

Providing Districts and Groups CPC Committees with collaborative suggestions, meeting templates and training so District and Group CPC Committees can take CPC presentations into a wide range of venues, from health professionals to police officers.

Providing Workshops, on request via Zoom or in person (depending on travel restraints), to help your District or Group learn and build team confidence to do effective,skillful and fun CPC presentations.

Monthly Zoom meetings and meetings at Area 38 Assemblies

Open Monthly Zoom & Assembly CPC Meetings

Have regular CPC collaborative meetings at Area 38 Assemblies and via Zoom on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 PM to share CPC experiences, issues, questions and requests so that CPC committees in Area 38 can be better at reaching out to professionals about what AA can and can’t do to help alcoholics, and how to refer clients to open and closed meetings of AA. 

Request current Zoom links and password information by emailing the CPC Chair.

All AA members interested in CPC are welcome to attend CPC committee meetings on Zoom and at Area 38 assemblies. 

If You Are a Professional, A.A. Members Are Available to Cooperate with You

Alcoholics Anonymous has many A.A. members and service committees who are available to provide professionals with information about Alcoholics Anonymous. 

A.A. has a long history of cooperating but not affiliating with outside organizations and being available to provide A.A. meetings or information about A.A. upon request.

CPC Service Workbook

Cooperation with the Professional Community Workbook

A.A.W.S. CPC Guidelines

Co-operation with Professional Community

To get involved contact:

Lea H

CPC Committee Chair